Ogg Benny, The Ettiquette Prefect


Fellow students,

Now that the height of the COVID pandemic is relegated to the history books, I find myself taking the fresh air on campus in the mornings before classes. And while on my walks, I have run into some students (freshmen and seniors alike) who also enjoy the natural setting of our beautiful alma mater. Unfortunately, a not-insignificant number of students deign not to even make eye contact with me, an appointed school prefect. This is unacceptable social behavior and must stop forthwith.

As a strong believer in the adage "what one fool can do, another can," I have taken the liberty of sourcing a demonstration of acceptable ways of approaching me (or any other school prefect [or any other person, I guess]). Please watch and forward to fellow students, as I expect a marked improvement in ettiquete on future walks.

How to Walk Past Someone


Ogg Benny

Ettiquette Prefect